Sustainability Courses

Incorporated in Camosun’s STARS submission was an inventory of academic offerings. The inventory identifies “sustainability courses” and “courses that include sustainability.” Such a list assists in bringing awareness to these course offerings and helps current and prospective students organize their academic studies. Additionally, such an inventory provides an important foundation for advancing sustainability integration in curriculum at Camosun.

Sustainability Courses

Sustainability courses are courses in which the primary and explicit focus is on sustainability and/or on understanding or solving one or more major sustainability challenge (e.g. the course contributes toward achieving principles outlined in the Earth Charter).

To produce a comprehensive list of sustainability courses, the Office of Sustainability reviewed a list of offered courses from the 2013-2014 academic year and conducted a preliminary analysis of which courses were about or included sustainability by reviewing their formal course descriptions.

These courses were categorized by department and then sent out to the Chairs of each department for review. The Chairs reviewed the course lists to assert the courses listed were either related to sustainability or not. The Chairs also added courses that were not already on the list. Specific professors were contacted, when necessary, and asked to provide an indication of how courses were related to sustainability if it was not obvious from the formal course description.


BUS 261 - Organizations and Sustainability 


GEOG 100 - Environment and Sustainability

Arts & Science

MARK 360 - Sustainable Marketing


PHIL 204 - Ethics: Animals to Ecosystems

Arts & Science

TMGT 361 - Sustaining Tourism Performance


Courses that Include Sustainability

A course that includes sustainability is primarily focused on a topic other than sustainability, but incorporates a unit or module on sustainability or a sustainability challenge, includes one or more sustainability-focused activities, or integrates sustainability issues throughout the course.


ACCT 220 - Management Cost Accounting 1


ANTH 204 - Anthropology of Food

Arts & Science

BIOL 102 - Non-Majors Biology (Diversity)

Arts & Science

BIOL 105 - Introduction to Marine Biology

Arts & Science

BIOL 228 – Ecology

Arts & Science

BUS 150 - Introduction to Management


BUS 220 - Organizational Behaviour


BUS 280 – Entrepreneurship


BUS 450 - International Management


CFCS 110 - Foundations for Practice

Health & Human Services

CFCS 141 - Service Learning

Health & Human Services

CFCS 160 - Family and Community

Health & Human Services

CFCS 210 - Diversity across the lifespan

Health & Human Services

CFCS 250 - Social Justice Today

Health & Human Services

CHEM 253  - Environmental Chemistry

Arts & Science

CIVE 255 - Municipal Design

Trades & Technology

CIVE 261 - Soils and Materials 1

Trades & Technology

CIVE 276 – Hydrology

Trades & Technology

CIVE 278 - Water and Waste Management

Trades & Technology

CIVE 291 - Structural Design 1

Trades & Technology

CIVE 292 - Structural Design 2

Trades & Technology

ECON 103  - Principles of Microeconomics


ETP 021 - EARTH Gardening


GEOG 102 - Human Geography

Arts & Science

GEOG 103 - Globalization and World Religions

Arts & Science

GEOG 220 - Resource and Environmental Management 

Arts & Science

GEOG 232 - Cultural Studies in Geography

Arts & Science

GEOG 236 - Geography of Cities

Arts & Science

GEOG 272 - Weather and Climate

Arts & Science

GEOG 274 – Environmental Biogeography

Arts & Science

GEOG 276 – Geomorphology

Arts & Science

GEOS 100 - Physical Geology

Arts & Science

GEOS 110 - Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere Systems

Arts & Science

HLTH 110 - Health and Wellness in Contemporary Society

Health & Human Services

HLTH 111 - Indigenous Peoples' Health

Health & Human Services

SOC 120 - The Environment and Society

Arts & Science

SOC 211 - Introduction to Africa

Arts & Science

Electrical Apprenticeship - Year 2

Trades & Technology

Electrical Apprenticeship - Year 4 Part 1

Trades & Technology

Electrical Apprenticeship - Year 4 Part 2

Trades & Technology

Electrical Apprenticeship - Year 4 Part 3

Trades & Technology

Electrical Foundations

Trades & Technology

Professional Cook Level 1

Trades & Technology

Professional Cook Level 3

Trades & Technology

Contact information

Office of Sustainability

Campus location

Isabel Dawson Building, room 119A

Location link

Lansdowne campus

